UX Design
UX Designer
Research, Information Architecture, Interaction, Visual Design & Testing
June 2021-July 2021

With increasing consumerism and profusion, Whoopee wants to serve as a platform for exchanging objects such as toys and video games between neighbors. In addition, Whoopee provides valid donation company links and a pick-up donation facility for anybody who wants to rid themselves of extra stuff.


The client had many toys at home that her children were tired of while she had to get new toys for them every month, so she hired our agency to develop a product that would rid unwanted toys and video games that they wanted. The problem was finding a unique and new product that never had been made before.


Exchange of Goods: Whoopee is the first platform ready to exchange things within a maximum of 30 miles.
Pick-up Donation: There is an option to connect users to a pick-up donation company in the closest area.
Donation option: Provide a link to guide users to the validated donation websites.


I researched on potential users, and wanted to transition the attention to competitors in the market space.  Although, there is no stand-out exchange website, the two buy and sell competitors I looked into were eBay, and OfferUp. These competitors would help me conceptualize the look of Whoopee.


With the research and data collected, I began building user personas. These three personas would be identified as potential users.


Retired     Age: 82    Miami, FL

Goals & Needs
- A simple way to achieve the goals.
- Trust a good donation company for helping children.
- Not have to think about the complicated technology.

Hesitations & Pain Points
- There are some scam websites.
- Sometimes, I forget to donate every month.
- Donation process is complicated.


Housewife    Age: 35   Seattle, WA 
Goals & Needs
- I need to know how I can exchange
my daughter's toys with another thing.
- Having new things without spending money.
- My children need more educational games.

Hesitations & Pain Points
- I am not good at working with the computer.
- I hate spending a lot of money on toys.
- Toys would be tedious in a short time.


Manager   Age: 58   Houston,TX 
Goals & Needs
- Giving a hand for changing furniture.
- Allowing me to assist people with my own way.
- My schedule is packed. I need to set a time for an appointment by myself

Hesitations & Pain Points
- I cannot stand unreliable people.
- My privacy is my priority.
- Wasting a much time without any results makes
me crazy.


It was having gained a better understanding of the users. It was time to create user stories, and user flows. User stories helped prioritize the main features included in the product. Then these user stories were converted into user flows through Figma. These flows would illustrate user paths in the product achieving high priority user story tasks.




By understanding the user flows, I started sketching out what the screen would look like. I used a four-step sketch process. This helped to find the best possible design layout. I would use Figma to design these sketches into wireframes digitally.

Step 1: Notes

Step 2: Ideas

Step 3: Crazy8s 

Step 4: Solution Sketch

The wireframe sketches done above explored how the landing page would look once the user uses the Exchange option. Creating different landing page iterations helped identify which layout creates the best user flow. From here, I selected the sketches I wanted to move forward with and made digital renditions of them.

Paper Prototype

The paper prototype was a valuable craft that helped create a few different versions of a design and rapidly iterated to flourish the creative ideation. Paper prototyping is an extra step in the process. The most robust drawback is that I needed to create a digital prototype.


With the wireframe prototype, I had two in-person usability tests. Each user had four tasks that they needed to complete.
Task 1: Log in to their account
Task 2: Creating a post for their kid's toy
Task 3: Contact us and send an Email
Task 4: Donate some money for children
As I observed the participants, I saw that each user had no problem logging in to the account, contacting us, sending an Email, and donating money. It took much more than usual time to create a post. However, this process was a little confusing. I needed to add a post successfully sign to prevent users from misunderstanding. Totally, perceiving the main page and understanding the website was complicated, so I prepared some ready knowledge for the main page.


The first step in branding was identifying the target audience, those who care about humanity, corporation, and goodwill. Having worked in society, I understood that one of the critical struggles was not feeling part of a whole. Often, the details and direction of a project can get lost in translation. All I wanted was clarity and a word to reflect using this product. “Whoopee” used in the product means having full of joys and delights comes with satisfaction.

The next step was establishing the mood board, which would aid my decision for the color palette. I used a monochromatic color scheme which is created from green color. It uses shades, tints, and tones to achieve multiple versions of the same hue. I liked the mix of greenery and skin color all merged. I used the eye picker to select specific colors that popped out to me. The primary accent color that I chose for Whoopee was green. I wanted to stay away from skin color because it is part of a human that I wanted to make the product visually tangible. Green and skin color often reflect environment and humanity, and I believe that is what Whoopee is. It is a platform built to serve people who care about humanity and the environment.


I took the feedback from the usability test and started to mock up a high-fidelity wireframe of Whoopee. I designed the prototype three times. I added three columns to show the website services on the main page. I chose to go with green as the accent color for Whoopee. I thought that it was a nice color to illustrate good deeds. https://bit.ly/3zp3v9e

I used words created from my mind-mapping exercise to sketch logo ideas out. I could branch out to other words that helped identify the brand from the word clear. These words included humanity, goodwill, corporation, assistance, happiness, etc. I wanted a logo that showed clarity. The logo needed to reflect the name of whoopee and incorporate elements of a workspace in a minimalistic way. The logo would come off as professional, so I created it primarily with two characters holding their hands and jumping over Whoopee’s name, adding a puzzle green heart to demonstrate a giant heart made by some small pieces.

I created two preference tests on the usability hub to see which design was easier to navigate and which logo was more acceptable.

In the second preference test, I focused on the hero section of the homepage.


Overall, I believe that I successfully captured the MVP of Whoopee. It was a great side project that I enjoyed it. I was able to find a solution to decrease consumerism. This project was successful because I could understand the client's needs, and I tried to present the best solution. Whoopee has proved as a solution in exchanging two things between two neighbors, which is a feasible and unique idea. Users could log in to the website with their Gmail account, and also pick-up donation facility is prepared for anybody who could not figure out what they should do with the donation stuff. Whoopee linked users to some different valid donation websites. In future iterations of the product, I would like to allow users to exchange more than toys and video games and add more donation websites.

©Designed by Benyamin Ghasemi-2022